Full-service Healthcare Provider Specializing in Home Healthcare Services - BM021217

Midwest United States
Business Services; Healthcare
Client Code: BM021217
Revenue (Consolidated): $20,027,859
EBITDA (Consolidated): $2,712,984

The Company, is a healthcare services provider offering a wide range of quality services administered in the patient’s home. The Company’s medical services include hospice, home health, home & durable medical equipment (HME/DME), physical therapy, primary care, behavioral health, home infusion, retail pharmacy, home pharmacy, home infusion, medical ramps and home modifications.

Key Aspects

• Diverse healthcare service offerings that feed into one management platform enabling the Company to provide collaborative patient care resulting in meeting patient needs in a full and timely manner

• The Company’s services compliment existing hospitals by transitioning hospitalized patients into their home up to three days earlier than anticipated

• The Company grew revenues at an impressive 47.3% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2021 through 2023


• Penetrate underserved geographic markets by opening additional locations and expanding in-home health services throughout the Midwestern United States

• Capitalize on the projected $16 trillion healthcare market according to the National Institute of Health as baby boomers grow older and begin seeking medical care

• Train, develop, and hire additional physicians and nurses to effectively handle an increase in demand

Current Markets

• The Company primarily provides its healthcare services to patients recently discharged from the hospital

Real Estate

• The Company operates from four medical office facilities in the Midwestern United States

• Three of the offices are owned by an affiliated entity and one is leased from an unrelated third party