Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Storefront

Southeast US
Consumer, Food & Retail; Healthcare
Client Code: BM005374
Revenue (TTM): $378,742
EBITDA (TTM): $95,247

The company operates as a stand-alone retail storefront that provides durable medical equipment (DME) sales, rentals, and supplies.

Key Aspects

• Average gross profit margins of 83.1% from 2021 to the trailing twelve months (TTM) ending March 31, 2023

• Average adjusted EBITDA margins of 23.7% from 2021 to the TTM ending March 31, 2023

• Stand-alone storefront offering DME with high margins

• Consults with and evaluates patients directly, resulting in a 5-star Google review

• Management notes estimated revenue breakdown is 75% rentals and 25% one-time sales

• Offers DME to hospice clients and has one hospice agency contract in place as of January 2023

Note: In addition to the storefront, the offering may include a manufacturer of orthotics for a select number of patented products and a provider of medical equipment and services for home health care and long-term patient needs. The financial performance of these entities has been excluded from this Teaser. Additional information can be provided upon request.


• Capitalize on the aging baby boomer demographic that will increasingly require DME

• Create a website to establish online sales

• Expand sales force to capture a greater market share

• Institutionalize bookkeeping and realize financial efficiencies

• Grow product line and services


• Southeast US 

Current Markets

• The company serves the geriatric population and individual patients in need of DME rentals and supplies in the Southeast US.

Real Estate

• The company operates from a 2,000+ sq. ft. retail storefront in the Southeast US. The company leases the space from an unrelated third party.