Residential & Commercial Plumbing Service Business in Houston, Texas

Southwest US
Environmental, Waste & Recycling
Client Code: BM004626
Revenue (Internal): $4,942,030
EBITDA (Internal): $272,466

Texas-based company that provides full-service general plumbing to commercial and residential customers in the Houston market.

Key Aspects
  • Highly reputable company operating for over three decades
  • Adjusted EBITDA experienced a 94% compound annual growth rate from 2017 to 2019
  • As of Q3 2020, 80% of total revenue is occupied by new construction for commercial customers
  • Maintains a 90% retention rate year over year
  • Long term key personnel with years of industry specific experience
  • Capitalize on the growth of Houston population by expanding network of general contractors and segmenting the construction market
  • Amplify service department by increasing advertising efforts and techniques
  • Expand geographical presence into other metropolitan cities in Texas
  • Develop exterior utility work and tankless water heater services to full capability
  • Houston, Texas
Current Markets
  • Commercial and residential customers in the Greater Houston area
Real Estate
  • The company operates on two acres of iron-fenced property that is owned by a related party. The property includes a 2,750 square foot metal building and three trailer offices.