Manufacturer & Distributor of Nutritional Products

Industrial & Manufacturing
Client Code: BN000026615
Revenue (Internal): $10,824,000
EBITDA (Internal): $1,459,000

The company is a manufacturer, distributor, and wholesaler of nutritional products and supplements. The company recently introduced fulfillment services for numerous Fortune 500 companies. The company does not see themselves as a manufacturer, but as a strategic partner providing products and solutions.

Key Aspects

• Average revenue of $9.6M from 2017-2020

• Customers include several Fortune 500 companies

• Industry leading private label manufacturing company

• Featured on numerous television networks such as Fox News Trending segment and Bloomberg’s “The American Dream”

• Exceptional research and development team recognized throughout the industry

• Average supplier relationship over 10 years


• Grow the company’s marketing team to pursue and additional customers

• Develop supervision team to allow full production capacity (currently operating two out of four shifts)

• Utilize real estate in the surrounding area to expand the current facility

• Provide capital investment to engage in larger scale projects

Current Markets

• United States

• Canada

• Europe

Real Estate

• The company operates from one main building sitting on approximately 14 acres of land. The real estate for the building totals approximately 42,000 sq. ft. There is currently room to open more shifts to keep rooms fully operational 24/7.