Full-service InsurTech Marketing Firm

Southeast US
Business Services; Technology, Media, Telecom & Data
Client Code: BN000031734
Revenue (Internal): $1,966,151
EBITDA (Internal): $542,877

The company provides a wide range of unique and effective marketing activities, exclusively serving insurance agencies. Activities performed include, newsletter publishing, referral marketing strategies, marketing funnels, social media management, video production and distribution, local search engine optimization, display ad targeting, website development, branding, and more.

Key Aspects

• Adjusted EBITDA grew at a compound annual growth rate of 16.3% from 2019 to 2022

• Average gross profit margin of 42.2% from 2019 to 2022

• Proprietary applications built to deliver marketing activities at a low cost

• Highly regarded within the insurance industry with a reputation for high quality services and delivery

• Monthly subscription based recurring revenue model

• Detailed project management system for recurring tasks

• Search Engine Optimized (SEO) website


• Capitalize on the company’s new platform to make marketing activities more efficient for clients, and attract new clients with the do-it-yourself and hybrid model

• Leverage the company’s success in its niche market and grow within; the company has a small share of the potential market

• Expand service offerings to different industries such as legal, real estate, financial, etc.

• Capitalize on the worldwide growth of companies needing to expand their digital visibility to stay competitive


• Southeast US

Current Markets

• The company serves insurance agencies across the United States

Real Estate

• The company operates fully remote, with no physical operating facility.