Wholesaler of Quality Granite, Quartz and Cabinets

Midwest, USA
Business Services; Construction; Consumer, Food & Retail; Industrial & Manufacturing; Real Estate, Lodging & Leisure
Client Code: BN000032694
Revenue (Internal): $7,336,822

The company is primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of granite, quartz, and cabinet products typically used in residential and commercial construction and development. The company specializes in the fabrication, logistics and installation of the industry-leading products for multi-unit, student housing, and senior living projects across the United States.  

Key Aspects
  • Strong distribution channels across multiple states
  • Profitable business with highly desirable products across multiple business sectors
  • Successful track record; 16 years of successful business operations
  • Strategic contacts in key global markets
  • Hire CEO type role
  • Target expansion into other states
  • Expand sales and marketing teams to promote the company’s products and drive incremental revenue
  • Expand overseas supplier diversification
  • Expand installation teams - new territories
  • Midwest, USA
Current Markets
  • Distribution in eighteen states, mainly Eastern coast and Midwest USA presence.
Real Estate
  • The facility is owned by the company and ownership prefers a leasing scenario. Ownership will consider including the property and buildings for the right offer. and they are open to various deal structures.