Home Appliance Retailer and Service Provider with Over 60 Years of Experience

Southeast US
Construction; Consumer, Food & Retail
Client Code: BM009820
Revenue (Internal): $12,801,447
EBITDA (Internal): $1,174,871

The company is a retailer of home appliances to homeowners, businesses, and builders. The company provides outstanding customer service, quality products, and low prices. The company also provides service after the sale with its in-house service department.

Key Aspects

• Revenue and adjusted EBITDA grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.6% and 9.5% from 2020 to 2023, respectively

• Average gross profit margin of 31.7% from 2020 to 2023

• Over 60 years of operating experience

• Strong brand recognition in its area

• Strategically located in a large metropolitan are

• BBB Rating: A+ since 1960

• High-volume of customers served each year, receiving, on average, nearly 12,000 service calls and 5,700 delivery and installation orders

• Partnerships with well-known manufacturers


• Continue to expand product offerings and develop new manufacturer relationships to attract new customers

• Open additional stores to expand market reach

• Implement a recurring revenue model through annual maintenance contracts

• Expand product offerings to include smart home appliances, which is expected to show a compound annual growth rate over 16% from 2021 to 2025


• Southeast

Current Markets

• The company serves homeowners, businesses, and builders.

Real Estate

• The company operates from a facility leased from an affiliated entity. There is room to grow in the current location.