Systems Integrator Company and Automation Distributor - BN000032680

Midwest United States
Industrial & Manufacturing
Client Code: BN000032680
Revenue (Internal): $2,935,589
EBITDA (Internal): $111,670

There are two companies available for sale. The first company provides electrical controls and robotics systems integration. The second company distributes and sells automation products and services. The companies share office space/resources and work together in many ways. The two companies meet regularly on issues related to projects, product lines, and all internal matters.

Key Aspects
  • Cost effective automation solutions provider
  • Dependable and reliable
  • More than 60 years of combined systems experience by knowledgeable engineers
  • In-house engineering and marketing teams
  • All products used are UL-certified
  • Add experienced sales staff to grow the companies
  • Create a purchasing website featuring the companies’ entire catalog offering for ordering products online directly

Midwest United States

Real Estate
  • The companies lease two operating facilities from an unrelated third party. Located in an industrial park, one of the facilities is a shop and the other is for offices. There is room to grow in the current facilities.