Fully Remote Courier and Delivery Service

Southeast US
Business Services; Transportation
Client Code: BN000033548
Revenue (Tax Returns): $1,903,143
EBITDA (Tax Returns): $176,272

The company offers business-to-business (B2B) courier and delivery services. It’s flexible operations, service a variety of customer delivery needs, including dedicated routes, pharmaceuticals, auto & truck parts, office supplies, set-up & assembly, on-demand shipments, and more. The company has provided home delivery services in the past and maintains its capabilities to reinstate home delivery services.


Key Aspects

• Revenue and adjusted EBITDA grew at compound annual growth rates of 11.8% and 28.6%, respectively, from 2019 through 2022

• The company was awarded additional routes with an existing client in August 2023, which is expected to increase revenue by more than $1 million annually, according to management

• As of August 2023, the company is invoicing more than $65K per week, according to management

• High level of repeat business (90%)

• Blue chip clients provide consistent sources of revenue, including two major contracts that can be scaled statewide and nationwide


• Reinstate home delivery services

• Utilize available capacity in on-demand delivery areas

• Increase market share through geographic expansion

• Offer warehousing services

• Develop a freight brokerage division

• Expand temperature-controlled pharmaceutical delivery services


• Southeast US

Current Markets

• The company primarily serves businesses located in two states in the Southeast, US.

Real Estate

• The company operates remotely using telework applications.