Security Provider Offering Armed and Unarmed Services for Commercial and Government Clients - BN000037670

Midwest United States
Business Services
Client Code: BN000037670
Revenue (TTM): $13,051,229
EBITDA (TTM): $988,000

The company is a security provider that offers a broad spectrum of armed and unarmed guard services for commercial and government clients. Headquartered in the Midwest United States, the company provides a variety of cost-effective, professional security services that can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements for clients nationwide.

Key Aspects

• Comprehensive line of premium security services

• Thoroughly-screened and highly-trained security staff

• Licensed, bonded and insured as required by contracts

• High levels of service

• Established company with excellent reputation

• More than 20 years of industry experience

• Veteran-owned


• Expand services outside of the Midwest United States

• Develop a marketing plan to increase sales

• Add cybersecurity services to meet growing demand


Midwest United States

Current Markets

The company provides security services for local government agencies, corporations, commercial real estate companies, financial institutions, industrial & manufacturing companies, residential and gated communities, special events, and public transportation entities in the Midwest United States.

Real Estate

The company leases its 3,500 square foot operating facility from an unrelated third party.