Exterior Wall Cladding Provider and Installer

Southwest, U.S.
Client Code: BN000038801
Revenue (Internal): $8,898,530
EBITDA (Internal): $1,174,675

The Company is a provider and installer of exterior plaster materials, lath, scaffolding, and EIFS for general contractors and builders of new commercial buildings and residential homes. The Company also repairs and resurfaces exterior walls of existing buildings and residences.

Key Aspects
  • Experts in wall cladding systems with extended experience in various finishes, textures, and job types
  • The Company achieved a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 49.0% from 2021 through 2023
  • Over 2.4 million cubic meters of exterior plaster has been produced and more than 280 projects completed
  • Regularly performs self-audits to ensure all employees are extensively trained and OSHA-compliant
  • Implement an external insulation and finishing systems (EIFS) team for contracts on high-end projects
  • Pursue projects with custom home builders, which provide increased margins with less volatility to interest rates
  • Utilize industry knowledge to gain a competitive advantage and secure projects for light and medium commercial construction
  • Expand product offerings to interior wall finishes
  • Southwest, U.S.
Current Markets
  • The Company serves commercial, municipal, and residential customers in need of exterior cladding solutions for new and renovation construction projects throughout the Southwest U.S.
Real Estate
  • The Company operates from a 6,000 sq. ft. warehouse which is leased from a related entity and not expected to be part of a sale. The lease is assumable by new ownership and can be renewed upon expiration of the current lease.