Legacy Vending & Coffee Service Business

South Central U.S.
Food & Beverage; Consumer Services (Non-Financial)
Client Code: BN000039481
Revenue (Combined): $5,856,485
EBITDA (Combined): $373,721

A legacy, third-generation, family-owned full-service vending provider of food and beverages and offers its own in-house commissary. The business also specializes in providing coffee and tea machines for office breakrooms. All services and equipment are provided through the business.

Key Aspects
  • In operation for over 70 years with an outstanding reputation in its served markets
  • Market independent, owning all vending and drink equipment, allowing highly customizable product mixes
  • State-of-the-art, innovative technology in all equipment
  • Dedicated and tenured staff
  • Expansion into surrounding cities to widen customer base
  • Further expansion in the micro markets segment
  • Continue introducing packaged, fresh food offerings
  • South Central U.S.
Current Markets
  • The company serves area organizations in a key Southern U.S. city.
Real Estate
  • The business operates from a 10,000 square foot facility that is held by the business. Although the operating real estate is expected to be part of a transaction, ownership is open to leasing it post-sale.