Premier Fulfillment Problem Solving Company Poised for Growth and Expansion BN000038796

Midwest United States
Business Services
Client Code: BN000038796
Revenue (Internal): $618,155

The company provides a variety of fulfillment problem solving including contract packaging, pad printing, warehousing , assembly, tag stringing, and last-mile logistics. The company is recognized for their in-house equipment and expertise that enables them to handle particular jobs with demanding operational constraints.

Key Aspects

Key Aspects

• Over two decades of operating history

• Reputation for delivering value-added services to clients

• Diverse capabilities and equipment, allowing the company to adapt to many use cases



• Geographic expansion into new markets and territories

• Capitalize on the company’s pad printing and 3D printing capabilities

• Development and adoption of new technology to expand their current service offerings

• Expand into new industries and market segments


• Midwest United States

Real Estate

• The company operates from an 8,000 sq. ft. facility that is leased from an affiliated entity. There is room to grow in the current location.