Boutique Architectural and Civil Engineering Firm - BN000040360

Midwest United States
Business Services; Construction
Client Code: BN000040360
Revenue (Internal): $13,510,863
EBITDA (Internal): $2,028,479

The company is an architectural and engineering firm specializing in architecture, interior design, and civil engineering. The company leverages its in-house departments to provide its clients with creative solutions that can significantly reduce construction time, operation costs, and energy.

Key Aspects

• Experienced senior staff with vast industry knowledge and extensive exposure to different project types

• Customer-centric business model producing an estimated 70% repeat business

• Sterling reputation attributed to quality of deliverables and outstanding customer service

• Capability to serve clients nationwide through its different office locations, which are fully staffed and ready to take on new projects


• Continue market and industry expansion to pursue healthcare, workplace, senior living, and food and beverage sectors

• Capitalize on the increased demand for prototype work nationwide

• Opportunity to expand geographically to new areas in the Midwest

• Increase advertising efforts to attract new business and expand current client portfolio

Real Estate

• The company operates from three offices. All properties are leased from unrelated entities. There is room for expansion in two of the three locations.