High Growth Logistics Management FF&E Company - BN000040693

Midwest United States
Business Services; Transportation
Client Code: BN000040693
Revenue (Internal): $8,854,152
EBITDA (Internal): $1,323,428

The Company is a logistics management service provider specializing in transportation, warehousing, liquidation, and installation management for furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E). The Company provides these services through carriers, warehouses and installation partnerships and is non-asset based.

Key Aspects

• Highly scalable business operating model with minimal overhead costs

• Significant repeat client rate due to the Company’s ongoing client relationships and outstanding reputation in the industry

• Access to a strong logistics network of transportation, warehousing and installation/liquidation providers


• Capitalize on significant signed contracts and open quotes for future projects

• Diversify client base to more purchasing and design companies

• Prioritize freight brokerage services in existing and new niche areas to increase gross margins

Current Markets

• The Company operates in the hospitality, healthcare facilities, model homes, retail and food service industries. The Company has completed projects across all 50 U.S. states, Canada, Bahamas and Puerto Rico.

Real Estate

• The Company is a low-overhead company, but maintains a small, leased office space for meeting space.