Engineering Services Firm for Autonomous Technology & Robotic Systems

Construction; Technology, Media, Telecom & Data
Client Code: BN000041462
Revenue (Internal): $4,901,917
EBITDA (Internal): $2,028,723

The company is an engineering services firm with a focus on transformational technologies, performing a variety of advisory, design, and project management services. The company specializes in autonomous technologies and robotic systems, serving industries such as consumer goods manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, ecommerce, and the public sector.

Key Aspects

• Revenue and adjusted EBITDA have grown at compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) of 25.9% and 37.1%, respectively, from 2019 through 2022

• Diverse and cutting-edge revenue streams, with no service segment accounting for more than 35% of overall revenue in 2022

• Performance-based revenue model, resulting in high client retention and superior technological results

• Strong client base of premier Fortune 1000 companies, in addition to various other innovative startups

• Strong intellectual property (IP), consisting of a patent-pending robust knowledge-based engineering process, company-owned robotic vehicle designs, and stock purchased in startup clients with high commercialization potential

• Highly skilled engineering staff with decades of experience across numerous industries.


• Further capitalize on the company’s existing IP through licensing and royalty opportunities, in addition to strategically developing new automation technologies for commercialization

• Continue to develop the company’s new commercialization initiative, and bring to market a greater number of innovative products from startup clients

• Capitalize on the company’s robotic distributorships by expanding its services to a greater number of clients, in addition to an expected increase in referrals 


• United States 

Current Markets

• The company serves clients across the globe, primarily in the advanced manufacturing and consumer goods industries, in addition to ecommerce businesses and the public sector. 

Real Estate

• The company operates fully remote with no physical location being leased.