Hi-Tech Design Build and Construction Management Company - BN000043927

Northeast United States
Business Services; Construction
Client Code: BN000043927
Revenue (Internal): $124,594,313
EBITDA (Internal): $7,987,212

The company is a specialized design-build and construction management company that works in the hi-tech, regulated market sectors to deliver state of the art R&D and manufacturing facilities throughout the US. The company regularly gets involved in the early stages of project development with value-added consulting and collaborative engineering services. Yields negotiated contracts on 78% of their work and has a proposal hit rate of approximately 80% over the past 7 years. The company also has in-depth knowledge of hi-tech real estate that makes it unique in the industry.

Key Aspects

• Proposal win rate of 80%

• Negotiated work - 78%

• Nationwide with several offices located across the country

• Unique method of accurately budgeting in the beginning stages of a project

• Experience in site selection and adaptive repurposing of existing facilities

• Ability to pre-purchase all long lead equipment to avoid supply chain issues and accelerate project delivery

• Experience as a developer, landlord, property manager, facility manager, and design-builder providing a 360 degree view for all capital project objectives


• Grow staff and bring in qualified employees to increase the amount of projects the company is able to take on

• Expand into key regional markets by opening more offices at strategic locations

• Develop hiring and training processes in order to bring new employees up to speed faster

• Capture projects in new markets that require complex regulations

• Expand into other hi-tech regulated market sectors that are currently not majority of revenues

Current Markets

• Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, semiconductor, and specialty chemical industries.

Real Estate

• The company operates from 5 offices across the United States. One office is leased from a related party who would entertain entering a long term lease. Each of the other offices are leased from unrelated third parties.