Highly Reputable Trailer and Dump Body Manufacturer BN000045302

Northeast US
Client Code: BN000045302
Revenue (Internal): $9,095,661
EBITDA (Internal): $898,178

The company is a trailer and dump body manufacturer who is known for quality manufacturing in the industry by producing both aluminum and steel units in a frame or frameless configuration.

Key Aspects

· Management team with extensive in-depth knowledge of the trailer and manufacturing industry

· Products with 50+ years of tried and proven designs in high demand by customers

· State of the art facility with capability to scale up to increasing product demand

· Stable customer portfolio with a high percentage (90%) of repeat business


· Geographic expansion to serve neighboring states with a product that is in continuous demand

· Implement updated technology to streamline manufacturing and company operations

· Provide employees with continued education to retain talent and attract new employees

· Capitalize on current customer base to increase customer reach and expand market share


· Northeast United States

Current Markets

· The company serves a variety of industries in need of general haulers, dump bodies and trailers, rendering bodies, demolition trailers, and scrap trailers.

Real Estate

· The company operates from a 50,000 sq. ft. facility leased from an affiliated entity. The owner is open to selling the property or entering into a long-term lease. There is room to grow in the current location, which is about 80% occupied.