E-Commerce Lighting Distribution Company - BN000048257

North Central United States
Business Services; Technology, Media, Telecom & Data
Client Code: BN000048257
Revenue (Compiled): $23,038,704
EBITDA (Compiled): $1,169,627

The company is a lighting distributor specializing in light bulbs, fixtures, ballasts, electrical components, and holiday lights. The company has significantly invested its efforts into technology in order to continue to operate efficiently and stand at the forefront of technology in the industry.

Key Aspects

• In over 70 years of operation, the company has built a sterling reputation and a loyal customer-base

• Lead by veterans in the lighting industry with combined over 78 years of extensive experience

• Investments in technology have provided the company with a state-of-the-art inventory management system equipped to handle the cyclical nature of the business

• Wide-ranging product catalog ensures each customer can find exactly what they need and increases opportunities for cross-selling


• The company’s domain name provides opportunities to increase brand recognition and become a house-hold name

• Expand into the electric vehicle (EV) market in order to add new and innovative products to the company’s catalog and enter into a rapidly growing market

• Increase efforts to grow its B2B customer portfolio in order to provide stable and recurring revenues

Current Markets

• The company distributes its products to hardware stores, grocery stores, and directly to consumers.

Real Estate

• The company operates from a 21,000 sq. ft. facility leased from an affiliated entity. Management indicates there is room to grow in the current location. The facility will be included in the transaction along with the business.