Outdoor Lifestyle Products Manufacturer and Wholesaler - BN000054133

Eastern United States
Consumer, Food & Retail; Real Estate, Lodging & Leisure
Client Code: BN000054133
Revenue (Internal): $9,007,767
EBITDA (Internal): $667,342

The Company designs, develops, and markets outdoor living products for the garden and casual furniture sectors. Over the last twenty years, the Company has supplied its modern, stylish, and high-quality products wholesale to an average of 580 independent outdoor specialty retailers and internet retailers across the United States and the Caribbean Islands.

Key Aspects

• Vertical integration allows the Company to directly source its products from manufacturers and control the product lifecycle from development through delivery

• Vast network of manufacturers spanning four continents enables the Company to diversify production sources depending on macroeconomic factors

• The Company has been in operation for over 20 years and has established a widely recognized brand name with tremendous customer loyalty

• State-of-the-art operating and ordering systems have been implemented providing the Company with exceptional operating capabilities


• Develop additional product classes to increase wallet share from existing customers

• Penetrate under-served geographies by adding sales team depth and opening additional showrooms

• Market products direct-to-consumer through eCommerce and brick-and-mortar sales channels

• Expand marketing efforts to sell products in numerous untapped channels including hospitality, contract, designer, hardware, and more

Current Markets

• The Company primarily sells its products to outdoor specialty retailers throughout North America and the Caribbean

Real Estate

• The Company operates out of a 71,820 sq. ft. facility containing warehouse, office, and showroom space

• The Company also leases a 5,496 sq. ft. showroom in a large metropolitan city in the Southern United States

• Both facilities are leased from unrelated third parties