Large Scale New Construction Roofing Subcontractor

Southwest, U.S.
Client Code: BN000054247
Revenue (Internal): $33,173,877
EBITDA (Internal): $9,638,744

The Company is a commercial and residential roofing construction provider specializing in large-scale new construction projects. The Company is also a fabricator of aluminum composite materials (ACM) and an installer of architectural metal wall panels.  

Key Aspects
  • Operates as a certified contractor for many high-quality roofing manufacturers and distributors
  • Experienced leadership with thousands of projects completed throughout their tenure with the Company
  • Service offerings include multiple roofing types such as metal, tile, shingle, and flat
  • Metal wall panel installation provides custom exterior solutions for customers
  • Commercial endorsement from the Construction Industries Board of Oklahoma
  • Packaging metal wall panel and roofing services provides a competitive bid advantage and lowers competition
  • Continue geographic expansion to surrounding states and regions with growing population centers
  • Grow ACM fabrication, currently operating at approximately 25% capacity, and sell to ACM to outside customers
  • Expand sheet metal shop to break and sell custom sheet metal to outside customers
  • Offer solar roofing products and services to attract new customers in the current market
  • Increase product offerings to include waterproofing and offer complete building envelope
  • Bid on Oklahoma City Public Schools roofing projects, which are available through an approved $955 million bond
  • Southwest, U.S.
Current Markets
  • The Company serves municipal, commercial, and residential customers in need of roof repairs, roof replacements, and new construction roofing throughout the West South-Central states. 
Real Estate
  • The Company operates from a central location with two connected buildings. One building is a 7,000 sq. ft. facility with an attached garage, fenced parking, and storage yard. The second is an 8,000 sq. ft. warehouse with a fenced storage yard. Both properties are held by an affiliate entity. Ownership is open to including the properties in a transaction or leasing them post-sale.