Online, One-Source Print Solutions Provider

Client Code: BN000055184
Revenue (Internal): $1,835,278
EBITDA (Internal): $783,344

The Company is an online, one-source print solutions provider offering a broad spectrum of products and services which include branded merchandise, online storefronts, third-party logistics (3PL), and inventory storage.

Key Aspects
  • Proprietary software and efficiency integrations allow for significant flexibility to accommodate customer needs
  • Provided services are cohesive and can integrate seamlessly into customers’ internal business models
  • Excellent reputation as an online leader and one-source provider in the industry
  • More than 1,000,000 merchandise & promotional products available to order through the Company’s website
  • Open additional satellite locations in Texas’ major cities to garner business from areas with rapidly growing populations
  • Expand service area to the national level by expanding the Company website and developing a sales team
  • Sell proprietary software platform licensing to other print shops and local small businesses for recurring revenues
  • Increase search engine optimization terms to improve visibility on Google searches for relevant services
  • Texas
Current Markets
  • The Company is able to serve any market segment, according to ownership. Primary customers include business' internal marketing and operations departments as well as conference, trade show, and event planning teams. Local small businesses are also served.
Real Estate
  • The Company operates from a 2,500 square-foot warehouse and shipping facility which is leased from an unrelated third party. The lease is assumable by new ownership.