High Margin Office Equipment and Technology Provider - BN000055684

Northeast United States
Business Services; Education & Government
Client Code: BN000055684
Revenue (Internal): $29,671,182
EBITDA (Internal): $8,665,635

The Company is a nationally recognized and award winning office equipment and technology provider to customers primarily in the education, healthcare, and commercial end markets. The Company's comprehensive suite of solutions includes copiers, printers, MFPs, scanners, wide-format plotters, document management services, cloud faxing and other document related solutions.

Key Aspects

• Highly diversified repeat customer base

• Annual service contracts generate ~50% of revenue

• Average adjusted EBITDA of $6.5 million and adjusted EBITDA margin of 26.5% from 2020 through 2023

• An average Net Promotor Score of 95 over the last five years and multiple industry awards won repeatedly

• Strong foothold in the local geographic market


• Expand into the production print market to increase gross sales

• Increase software and solutions product mix over the next few years

• Integrate with other distributors in niche product segments

• Penetrate other local markets outside of the Company’s current geography


• Northeast United States

Current Markets

• The Company operates in the education, healthcare and commercial industries across multiple states in its local markets.

Real Estate

• The Company operates out of eight facilities. Three of the facilities are owned by the shareholders and are expected to be included in the sale of the Company, and five facilities are leased from unrelated third parties.