Specialists in automation, control, and system integration, with a focus on mining, chemical, and water supply sectors

Gauteng, South Africa
Business Services; Industrial & Manufacturing; Technology, Media, Telecom & Data
Client Code: BN000029021
Turnover (Forecast): R17,583,163
EBITDA (Forecast): R5,218,447

The Company specialises in automation, control, and system integration across diverse industries, with a prominent focus on mining, chemical, and water supply sectors. Their offering supports fire detection and suppression systems; however, they also distribute pumps and related products, as well as specialised sensing equipment. They excel in turnkey projects, offering full-service solutions ranging from assessing on-site problems to implementing comprehensive automation and control systems.

Key Aspects
  • Specialisation: Expertise in automation, control, and system integration with a focus on mining, chemical, and water supply industries
  • Diverse offerings: Provides fire detection and suppression systems, pumps, specialized sensing equipment, and automation solutions
  • Financial credibility: Strong relationships with main suppliers on very favourable terms
  • Turnkey projects: Offers comprehensive solutions, from on-site assessments to the implementation of automation and control systems.
  • Strategic growth: Focus on acquiring technical knowledge to drive active marketing and contribute to project management
  • Reputation: Built a valuable industry reputation through ethical business practices and adherence to high standards
  • Market expansion: Explore new geographical markets and industries beyond mining, chemical, and water supply for diversified revenue streams
  • Active marketing: Implement a robust marketing strategy to proactively attract projects and clients
  • Technology integration: Stay abreast of technological advancements to enhance automation solutions and maintain a competitive edge
  • Global partnerships: Foster additional international partnerships for diversified sourcing and potential collaboration on larger-scale projects
  • Talent development: Invest in ongoing training for staff to keep up with industry trends and ensure a skilled workforce
Current Markets
  • The Company targets customers in the mining, chemical, and water supply industries, offering specialised automation, control, and safety solutions.
  • The Company’s focus extends to providing turnkey projects, including on-site assessments and comprehensive engineering solutions to customers.
  • Especially notable is that a 30-day account was granted by an international supplier, an achievement that the Company remains extremely proud of. It is very rare that an international company grants such accounts to South African companies.
  • Valuable import/export license, facilitating direct sourcing from international manufacturers, offering a price advantage and enabling easy expansion of the product range.