Market leading manufacturer and distributor of steel products

East Africa
Industrial & Manufacturing
Client Code: BN000046858
Turnover (Actual): $121,435,337
EBITDA (Actual): $11,068,331

Our client is a leading manufacturer and distributor of steel products to a wide array of industries across East and Sub-Saharan Africa. With the necessary facilities to produce cold-rolled as well as hot-rolled steel products, our client has secured a loyal and diverse customer base. Acknowledging the growth potential of the business, the shareholders are now seeking a strategic acquirer or partner to potentially accelerate that growth. 

Key Aspects
  • Broad geographic footprint with market activity in several East African countries
  • Vertically integrated operations, with in-house manufacturing, stockholding and distribution capacity
  • Diverse customer portfolio across a range of industries, significantly reducing concentration risk
  • Highly regarded industry certifications
  • Established brand with strong reputation for excellence
  • Loyal blue-chip customer base with 85% of sales coming from repeat customers
  • Secure, long-term supplier relationships
  • Strong reputation for excellence facilitates repeat work
  • Experienced, loyal staff with low turnover and diverse technical capabilities, allowing insights to be generated in-house
  • Committed leadership ready for the next phase of growth
  • Increasing exports to neighbouring markets offers an opportunity to expand the group’s geographical reach
  • The expansion of facilities to enable a higher level of production to meet the demand and increase turnover notably
  • There is a significant opportunity for expansion in venturing into additional steel products
  • Bringing subcontracted services in-house

Nairobi, Kenya

Current Markets
  • The group primarily serves customers in the domestic market, and exports products to surrounding nations, namely Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Somalia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia
Real Estate
  • The Group owns 2 properties, with estimated bare land market values of USD 11m and USD 6m